Schlosspark Hellbrunn (c) Gassner Gastronomie

Opening hours

So that you never end up in front of closed doors

In both summer and winter, our restaurant in Salzburg is a popular excursion destination, especially for visitors to the Hellbrunn Trick Fountains and the Hellbrunn Adventzauber. Our opening times are therefore adapted seasonally.

March / April / May

Tuesday - Sunday / Holiday 9:00am - 4:30pm
Brunch Tuesday - Sunday 9:00am - 4:30pm | Lunch at 12:00pm
Monday closed

June / July / August / September

Monday / Tuesday 10:00am - 4:00pm | Small Menu until 3pm
Wednesday - Sunday / Holiday 9:00am - 5:30pm | Brunch until 3pm; Lunch from 12-3pm

Celebrate at Hellbrunn

We would be happy to open our restaurant at any time if you would like to hold an event at Gasthaus zu Schloss Hellbrunn - also outside opening hours and during our company holiday. We look forward to your inquiry!

One family, one team

Our Hellbrunn Team is like a big family. Our host and director Michael Olah, runs the restaurant with cordiality and respect towards the staff.
Be part of our family!